Monday, January 14, 2019

Announcing Clearwater Cove Marina on Norris Lake, TN

From: Larry Collier, Patrick Boring, and Jim Williams

To: CCNL Lot Owners

From Minnesota to Florida, the 2019 Boat Show season has begun.  Attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors looking for boats, marinas, lake lots, and vacation destinations, this is a big deal for Norris Lake as lots of water recreation business is generated for the new year.  Larry Collier, Patrick Boring, and Jim Williams will be attending many of these boat shows to promote Norris Lake. 

Larry said 2019 is the first year we will heavily promote Clearwater Cove Marina on Norris Lake to the public along with our 3 other Norris Lake Marinas.  We want to give CCNL lot owners an early notice before all the slips are taken.  See our promotional ads attached.  Our Marinas have helped lakeside communities grow and we want to help make that happen at Clearwater Cove on Norris Lake.

Please contact the following for more information.

Clearwater Cove Marina on Norris Lake:

Patrick Boring 865-494-7641 or  

Larry Collier 865-203-2000 or

Clearwater Cove Lots available:

Jim Williams 866-525-3466 Office or 865-773-8862 Direct or

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking at a building lot forsale are there still slips available